The Citizenship Education Caravan will start in this country on August 11. Discussions, trainings, presentations and other events of the Caravan will be held in Yerevan, Hrazdan, Armavir and Gavar. We present the program and experts – “caravaners” who will work in Armenia.
In order to get acquainted with the program of events – click on the “+info” button under the dates and names of cities.
The program of events is still subject to change.
Caravan’s experts in Armenia:

Manon Bokuchava (Georgia)
Manon Bokuchava has been working in Georgia for more than ten years in the media sphere, heading a regional media organization. She is also working on her dissertation researching Russian-language information resources in the occupied regions.
During the Caravan in Armenia she will give a presentation on how trolls, bots, fake social pages in Georgia try to control public opinion

Evgeni Goshev (Bulgaria/Georgia)
Represented Civic Education Theachers Forum (Georgia). A Master of Arts in Political Science (University of Bonn), experience in organizing development aid events in various emerging countries.
Will lead discussions on the role of culture in the past, present and future of the countries of the region, as well as on the gap between reality and democratic values and how to continue the work when it begins to disappoint.

Stepan Grigoryan (Armenia)
“Analytical Center for Globalization and Regional Studies”, public and political activist.
Mr. Grigoryan will be a keynote speaker during the discussions on challenges, problems and prospects of civic education in Armenia, as well as on the issues of countering hybrid warfare and the role of media in ensuring national and regional security system

Ani Kojoyan (Armenia)
Research fellow at IGS, LMH. Yerevan State University University of Oxford. Lecturer in Language, Gender & Communication Studies, and Translation Studies at YSU. Former director at Eastern Partnership EaP CSF Armenian National Platform and the Program Coordinator at OSFA. Ani is an advocate and activist of women’s rights and girls’ education.
The topics of her meetings during the Caravan will be “Gender component in the context of inclusive education” and “Critical thinking as a tool for media literacy”.

Anna Mekhakyan (Armenia)
Educational Program Coordinator at Ayb Educational Foundation, Fundraising & Donor Manager at MediaLab- Newsroom Laboratory.
The topic of her training will be “Empowering Education through Project-Based Learning, Emphasizing Inclusiveness and Fostering Social Justice”.

Tigran Mughnetsyan (Armenia)
PhD in political science, Master in Public Management (KDI School of Public Policy and Administration), Researcher at Transparency International Armenia, Lecturer at Eurasia International University. 4-year experience in governmental work as assistant to the Chief of Prime Minister’s Office and adviser at External relations department.
Will lead a discussion on the effectiveness of public administration in Armenia.

Vitaly Nikanovich (Belarus)
Head of EduHub – International platform for training professionals from Eastern Europe, South Caucasus and Central Asia in the field of health and well-being, UNESCO consultant. He is a trainer for trainers of trainers in the field of citizenship education. Member of the EENCE network since 2015.
Will hold a training conference “Voices of Youth in Armenia”.

Narine Teknejyan (Armenia)
Youth worker, trainer. Youth is Power NGO cofunder and project manager. Coordinating Council member and expert of the Eastern Partnership Network for Citizenship Education (EENCE).
Will conduct a training on “Youth as an Engine of Public Transformation”.

Oksana Urban (Ukraine)
Executive Director of the NGO “European Vector of Volyn”, Lecturer of the Department of International Economic Relations of Lutsk National Technical University. In 2009, 2010, 2015 she represented the interests of Ukraine at NATO Headquarters. In 2022 and 2023 she interned in the USA.
She will conduct training on leadership development and teamwork.

Ghazaros Teknejian (Armenia)
Lawyer, journalist, NGO activist, artist.
National coordinator of the EENCE Citizenship Education Caravan.
Caravan is organized by Eastern-European Association for Citizenship Education under support of the Federal Agency of Citizenship Education of Germany (bpb) and funded by German Foreign Office.