Experts and trainers working in the field of citizenship education are invited to participate in the Caravan, which will be held in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Lithuania/Poland and Ukraine in August-October 2023.
CE Caravan 2023 aims to support citizenship education providers in the Eastern Partnership region who actively work on the development of promoting and defending the values of democracy.
The CE Caravan also aims to show the diversity of formats and topics by reaching different target groups, stakeholders. Respect to diversity and the beliefs of others, ability to engage in a dialogue are the foundation of democratic values that form a peaceful society capable of protecting its values against the threat of autocracy and dictatorship.
Trainings, discussions, presentations and other events will take place mainly in small towns and villages in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine and Lithuania/Poland.
Selected on the competition base “caravanners” will have to take part in all Caravan activities in respective country and conduct at least 2 events in English or Russian (in case of need translation to national languages will be organized). It could be short-term (2-4 hours) trainings, discussions, presentations and so on.
Preliminary timeline of the Caravan
In the selection process EENCE members will have priority, but applications from other experts are very welcomed!
Coordinators of the Caravan provide experts with accommodation and meals during Caravan, as well as reimburse travel expenses. Honoraria for the conducting of one event is 120 euro including taxes.
If you are interested in participation in the Caravan, please fill in this form until July 10, 2023.
Please keep in mind that you can apply for participation in 3 national Caravans maximum.
- CE Caravan 2023 is organised by the The Eastern European Association for Citizenship Education with the support of the Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb) at the expense of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
- The EENCE network was established in 2016.
- The network brings together more than 100 organizations and experts in promoting citizenship education and democracy in the Eastern Partnership countries and other countries.