Trainer competencies, training methodology, debate skills and forum theatre. These topics were the focus of the next day of the Citizenship Education Caravan in Azerbaijan, which took place in Ganja.
The first session was conducted by local expert PHD Khalida Hamidova using many practical exercises.

She was able to transfer all necessary resources, knowledge and skills to new trainers at a high level. She gave information about what soft skills trainers should have.
Ms Khalida used multiple active tasks.In this session, the first task was word combination and storytelling.
Participants performed using this method to develop their teaching and speaking skills. Then the expert talked about the importance of body language for trainers and explained the body lamguage methods that world leaders often use. At the end of the first session,they played a spider web game. The game was designed for the development of reflection.
During the second session Khalida Hamidova continued with introduction of the variety of non-formal education methods.

They were different exercises for the opening of the educational event, team building, group work division and sharing information.
The methods were not only presented, but actually were run within the group of participants. It helped to understand the step-by-step instruction and to reflect about their usage in the work of young facilitators in future.

Participants enjoyed the activity a lot. They actively suggested ways how to modify and adapt those methods for other different activities.
Co-facilitator Kateryna Zeziulina also shared her experience and ways how she use those methods in Ukraine.
The group came to the conclusion that interactive methods are good for making the educational process more fun and engaging as well as helpful to discuss important topics (for example inclusion) in more understandable way.
The third session of the day was “How to Distinguish Fact from Opinion”, conducted by expert Illia Gurianov.

The main goal of the session was to teach the participants to distinguish between fact and opinion and conduct discussions based on debate.
At the beginning of the session, co-facilitator Vitaly Nikanovich organized an interesting energizer that developed communication and active participation among the participants. Later, expert Illia gave information about certain methods to distinguish between opinion and fact. Based on the information learned from this training, a debate was organized among the participants.
A short excerpt from the debate:
Experts conducted a short discussion between those who are in favor and those who are not in favor of girls and boys studying together. One of the supporters stated that it is wrong to separate education according to gender and stated the advantage of girls and boys studying together.
One of the non-supporters noted that it would be better to educate boys and girls separately because there are many cases of bullying between boys and girls.
At the end of the session, the debate topics were discussed, and the expert gave detailed information about certain resources.
The last training of the day was the Form theater workshop conducted by local expert Zarif Bakirova.

At the beginning of the training, the trainer, who started with the energizer, first talked about the history and importance of the theater. She asked participants about their interests in theater and their attitudes toward theater in general.

Then she explained the difference between form theater and ordinary theater. In her presentation, she visually showed examples of form theater and assigned the participants to prepare a photo form theater example as a group.
Examples of photo forms created by groups:
- “People being too indifferent towards each other and unpleasant events arising from it”
- “Gender equality, violence against women”
- “Early marriages”
- “Bribery”

The Caravan is organized by a consortium of EENCE experts and organizations in the framework of the project “EENCE Citizenship Education Caravan”, funded by the Federal Agency for Citizenship Education (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung / bpb) with funds allocated by the German Federal Foreign Office, program “Enhancing cooperation with civil society in the Eastern Partnership countries and Russia”.
Read also:
Caravan of Citizenship Education: next stop – Azerbaijan
The next stage of the EENCE Citizenship Education Caravan started in Baku
EENCE Citizenship Education Caravan moves across Azerbaijan
EENCE Caravan of Citizenship Education in Azerbaijan. Day 3